This picture is the first of it’s kind to my knowledge. It is from a recent sensation preserving mastectomy case. The mastectomy has been completed and the sizer is in place to gauge how big an implant to place a few moments later. What you can see is an intercostal nerve that I was able to preserve 8.3 cm of length on before ultimately having to cut it to complete the mastectomy.

However, since the patient chose this sized implant, the nerve itself is able to reach the areola without the need for a nerve graft. Therefore, when the sizer was removed and replaced a few moments later with the implant, the nerve was able to be repaired directly to the areolar region. That means sensation should be good and return within a few weeks!!

We always love these little milestones in the development of our technique to further improve outcomes for our amazing patients!!

@drannepeled #sensationpreservingmastectomy #teampeled #breastcancer #breastcancersurgeon #breastreconstruction #breastcancersurgery #breastcancerawareness #nervenerds #nervesurgeon

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